New place! Nice, FR and the French Riviera plus Monaco


We are way behind on actually posting pictures and thoughts on the various cities we’ve been visiting, but I’m at least trying to catch-up on the overall itinerary and then we’ll feel in the blanks as we have some more down time. Lots of moving around lately. After Cinque Terra, we were done with Italy and moved on to France to begin the next chapter of this trip with Grandma Penny. It was a long travel day… 1.5 hour drive to Genoa, 2.5 hour train to Ventimiglia at the border of Italy and then 45 minute extremely crowded train to Nice. It wasn’t crowded until we went past the Monace/Monte Carlo stop where apparently a formula one race had just completed. Then the train was packed, but we made it and were curious what our experience would be like in France…

The trip so far:

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