New place! Girona, Spain 5/2
France was weird… will post more thoughts on it, but Provence felt sort of sad and half dead. Not sure what the deal was, but was not enjoyable. Because of it being so weird, our hotel had seemingly never been asked to call a taxi before and was completely unable to assist, uber didn’t work…
New Place! Marseille, France 4/29
After a coupe of pleasant days in Nice, we headed further west on our slow path towards Barcelona. We’ve read very mixed things about Marseille… it’s apparently the second largest city in France (~1.5M people) and people describe it as gritty and not entirely safe. Some people seem to love it, but many suggest avoiding…
New place! Nice, FR and the French Riviera plus Monaco
We are way behind on actually posting pictures and thoughts on the various cities we’ve been visiting, but I’m at least trying to catch-up on the overall itinerary and then we’ll feel in the blanks as we have some more down time. Lots of moving around lately. After Cinque Terra, we were done with Italy…