Category: Spain

  • The magical city of Sevilla

    The magical city of Sevilla

    Ah Sevilla!  What a stunningly beautiful, authentically Spanish, magical city.  Everywhere you look is beauty – around every corner it seems are beautiful buildings, broad squares, majestic cathedrals and horse-drawn carriages.  The streets are spotless, and there actually appear to be more Spaniards going about their days than tourists – couldn’t be more different than…

  • New place! Sevilla, Spain

    New place!  Sevilla, Spain

    Bus travel was actually pretty great! 3 hours on the bus, 3 stops and within 10 minutes of being on time. Not bad for 96 Euros for the 4 of us (vs. >1000 if we flew). We still prefer trains, but they aren’t always an option and renting a car in one country to return…